An approach to wellness using functional labs + lifestyle changes to help individuals:

  • Restore hormonal balance (this applies to both men & women)

  • Repair the gut microbiome and improve digestion

  • Optimize metabolic function in the body for high energy and strong immunity

  • Stabilize the mind and establish a sustainable, healthy way of living

The goal is to have each client feel like themselves again - more energy, happier, healthier plus have the tools and knowledge to stay this way for life!

Your path to wellness

No matter where you are starting from, your path to optimal wellness awaits you.

East Meets West Approach to Wellness

PureVeda blends the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with the science of Functional Health to achieve real results and help clients attain their health goals! PureVeda recognizes that at the deepest level the cause of illness, dis-ease and symptoms is imbalance and the loss of homeostasis in the mind and body. Both Ayurveda and Functional Health focus on reducing stressors (both internal and external stressors) and using a whole-life approach to wellness by addressing Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress and Supplementation (DRESS) as key levers to assist the body in its return to homeostasis and optimal health.

PureVeda uses a functional lab-based wellness approach to help identify biochemical stressors and dysfunction in the following areas:

  • hormones

  • immune system

  • digestion

  • detoxification systems

  • energy production

  • nervous system

  • oxidation process

The idea is to test rather than guess so that there are metrics and lab markers to help focus where to put the client’s efforts on their own healing path.

PureVeda utilizes the information from the labs along with a comprehensive background and medical history intake to build a customized protocol for each client. There’s no one size fits all approach at PureVeda because we are all unique individuals and each of us respond differently to supplements, lifestyle changes, dietary & nutritional needs, etc.

For clients, I serve as an educator, coach and health “detective” to steer individuals towards the path of wellness and optimal health providing support, motivation and guidance along the way. At PureVeda, the goal is high energy, a strong immune system, proper digestion, balanced metabolism and a calm, centered way of living.

Schedule a discovery call to learn more!